Sacred Soul Journeys

Ways to work with me

1:1 Integration Coaching + Microdosing Support

6 months

**THE program for those looking for deep, personal support & the most transformational results possible

14 1:1 calls + private chat between sessions
Microdosing support + 1-2 in-person journeys

Investment: $6500 (payment plan available)

1:1 Integration Coaching + Microdosing Support

3 months

6 1:1 calls + private chat between sessions
Microdosing support + 1 in-person journey

Investment: $3500 (payment plan available)

Customized Retreat

3-5 Days

A specialized retreat in your selected area or my local area. 
Plus 4 – 1:1 coaching sessions

Investment: $5000 and up

1:1 Integration Coaching

3 months

9 1:1 calls + private chat between sessions
Investment: $2500 (payment plan available)

1:1 Integration Coaching

6 months

14 1:1 calls + private chat between sessions
Investment: $4000 (payment plan available)

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